The Statement Studio.. My dream of becoming a LADY BO$$
Everybody has the same 24 hours as Beyonce.. And yes OK OK Beyonce doesn't have to get up and actually go to work every day and deal with people.. She has cooks and cleaners.. Nanny's and millions of dollars.. Not to forget an amazing voice and one heck of a booty! But the point I'm getting at here is that the world really is your oyster! And it really isn't that hard to maximise the 24 hours a day you have
. Starting my own business was something I hesitated in doing for a while.. And I wish I did it sooner!
. Starting my own business was something I hesitated in doing for a while.. And I wish I did it sooner!
Yes okay.. My business is a hobby.. I currently work full time and always have had a job alongside it.. But one day I dream of working for myself and even having people work for me! I forever drive past vacant shops wishing my Business name was across the top!
Without my little business on the side I wouldn't be able to justify spending money on my MAC make up and my extensions, my dinners out and my trips away. I definitely like to reward myself for being innovative and starting something up for myself. Even though it's still really small it's quite a big deal to me! I now no longer double think about treating myself and it feels so good having something you've set up for yourself doing so well!
Once I finished University.. I hit a bit of a slump. Lots of smartie pants in my year had all landed big girl jobs and were buying houses a year later and living pretty awesome lives. I however struggled to get the break. I worked 8 hours a week and got the odd bit of overtime over Xmas. Running a car and having a lifestyle like mine was pretty much impossible. Anxiety was at a high. I felt trapped and was bored with my every day routine and waiting on my 4 hour shift in the evening. I managed for around a year or so until I picked up a wee necklace online off a boutique in England as a wee treat..and everytime I wore it I got compliments. Then it dawned on me when I was putting it on one day.. I could be selling gorgeous wee pieces like this!
I did my research.. Sent a lot of mails.. Asked a few friends what they thought.. A lot wished me luck but I could tell they didn't think it would take off.. And neither did I. I was lucky to have my boyfriend who had his own business which he set up and is doing amazing.. He ensured me that if it doesn't work at least I tried! He pushed me to do it. So I took the plunge and put in a little order of jewellery.. Costing just £30. YES.. I STARTED MY BUSINESS ON £30! and I can tell you it's the best £30 I ever spent.
I couldn't believe how easy it was to do.. Social Media really is an amazing platform for anything now and it has made my business grow from day to day. I have gone from only starting up last year to having 2k own factory.. Stocking clothes and other kinds of accessories.. Having customers across Europe.. Being invited to events and pop up stalls.. Having my lines in boutique clothing stores.. And even having celebrities make purchases!! I am pretty darn proud of myself. I don't have the time I used to with now working full time along with playing hockey and seeing family and friends but it only takes a little bit of time in the evenings and you actually enjoy it. It isn't a job for me and I LOVE picking out new bits and bobs to sell! I am so passionate about fashion and expressing myself through accessories! The fashion industry and high street is flying so it definitely keeps me on my toes! Adding a little twist to things definitely has helped. My packaging has been the thing that has got me trending. Everyone loves a little package wrapped up in a bow.. It makes it onto Facebook pages and Insta gaining more and more publicity. I also have jewellery starting from a few pounds up to £25. I would always charge cheaper than high street shops and I include postage. We all hate getting to our basket of £50 and paying £2.99 postage!
So if you have an idea brewing in your mind.. Just give it a go! Spend that £30 and do without getting your nails done for one month! You never know where it can take you! Some tips I have to share though.. You need to be thick skinned.. Open minded and dedicated! Don't listen to any negativity. Be prepared for busy days and be prepared for quiet ones. Also don't take things to heart.. Not everyone will like things you do and not everything will sell! But I have became so touched by all the positive feedback people have given me.. All the publicity that has been shared and it's all helped my little business grow. I have 5* feedback on my page and ranked number 2 in Jewellery Shops in Belfast! I stood behind a lady in River Island in the queue one day and asked her where she got her necklace from (knowing it was from me) and she told me that the stuff is gorgeous and to go online and look at the page! Little things like that make it all worth while.
So no matter what your idea is.. Give it a go. There's lots of support out there for you to set it up. Always remember you have to start off somewhere! You never know where the experience may take you. I honestly believe if I didn't have my jewellery business to pitch in my interview for my job I luckily landed, I most likely wouldn't have got it.
Oh and if you don't already know about my business.. It's The Statement Studio..Check it out on Facebook and Insta!
20% off if you mention reading my blog post..
Lotsa love.. LanaDelRich xo
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